January 16, 2010

My Late New Years Resolutions

I finally decided that I wanted to set some resolutions for this new year yesterday.  Yep, on January 15!  Sometimes I'm just slow.  Other times I need to stew on things for a while.

So, here they are:

  • I will post a new item on my Etsy shop, www.Andy0514.etsy.com every day for the rest of the year.  (today, I posted the first one.  A really cute Pink Rag Woven Wristlet!  She's a killer!  Check her out in my pictures.)
  • I will practice yoga on my own, away from regular class, at least 2 times each week. (I've been a practicing yogi for 5 years now, but haven't been able to get myself to practice regularly at home. Don't know what my problem is.  I love the feeling I have after a practice.)
  • I will start walking more and start wearing my pedometer again
  • I will continue to not diet, while continuing to eat as I have been.  (I've lost 20 lbs in the past 6 months since I gave up on the diet!  Must be doing something right!)

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