October 2, 2011

Had a great day at the Union County Heritage Festival 10/1/2011

I spent all day yesterday with my friend, Linda Nichols, in at the Union County, TN Heritage Festival in Maynardville.  While it was windy and cold all day, and while there were fewer vendors and visitors than we had been told to expect, it was a terrific day.

Nearly everyone who stopped by, commented that they used to make those looper potholders.  When they then looked up to see the products that had been made with the potholder loom, they were impressed. 

I met my goal for this festival.  I sold potholder looms,  one pound bags of loopers and gave away lots of business cards that have my contact information and the Andy's Treasures shop email address.  People were appreciative of my woven bags, scarves and rugs, but more interested in buying the craft supplies.

I'll need to get more looms quickly, prepare more loopers, and get busy and prepare those instruction DVD's and/or written instructions with pictures.

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